by Sophie Treadwell
THU - SAT: 8:00PM
SUN: 3:00PM
“Your skin oughtn’t to curl - ought it - when he just comes near you- ought it? That’s wrong, ain’t it? You don’t get over that, do you - ever, do you or do you?” The city. A woman is restless. A woman is suffocating. A woman is silenced. The woman revolts.
Inspired by the infamous 1927 Snyder/Gray murder trial, this rarely-performed masterpiece portrays the hardened soul of America in the Machine Age. Machinal follows the life of Young Woman who is constrained by a society that favors men and money.
Featuring: Scott Cagney, Kevin Cristaldi*, Amanda Marie Evans, Ivan Goris, Joanne Hoersch, Danielle Manente, B.C. Miller
Directed by Frank Licato
Production Manager & Set Design: Gregory Erbach
Lighting: Lucky Pearto
Costumes: Ann Lowe
Original Music & Sound: Donald Stark
Stage Manager: Dawn D’Arrigo
Props: Beatriz Esteban-Massina
* Courtesy of Actors Equity
**Everyone must show proof of vaccination and wear a mask while in the theatre.